ATTENTION:  Former members of Headquarters, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Defense Attaché Office, Saigon, and Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam:



Two Yahoo Groups have been established for the following.  Joining the Group(s) is simple and easy.  Both groups are moderated to avoid spammers, etc.  Your email address is only available to other group members.  To become a member (and we would enjoy having you) instructions are provided below.




 - Military Assistance Command, Vietnam and Defense Attached Office, Saigon - 


This group is dedicated to the men and woman (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Civilians who were assigned to  the Military  Assistance Command (MACV), Saigon, Vietnam and/or the Defense Attache Office (DAO), Saigon.  The MACV was created on February 8, 1962,  and was disbanded on March 29, 1973. The DAO was activated on January 28, 1973.  The MACV/DAO building was partially imploded by departing US forces on April 30, 1975.







- Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam -  


The Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam, was a multi-national, joint service, military intelligence support activity of the J-2, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. This Yahoo group serves CICV alumni, their relatives, and friends as a convenient means of keeping in touch and sharing old memories. Former members of CICV, MACV, CDEC, CMEC, CMIC, the 45th MI and Alpha Company of the 519th MI Battalion, the 525th MI Group, those who worked in the general environs of these units, and friends/family members of all the above are encouraged to join.



To Join the Groups 


Becoming a member is easy. At the home page for each of the groups, simply click the "Join This

Group" button appearing near the top of the page. In the "Comment to Owner" box, kindly leave your name, your unit/branch, or briefly describe your affiliation with MACV or CICV or with any group member. If you don't already have a Yahoo ID, you'll automatically be afforded the opportunity to obtain one during this registration process. Note — There is no cost for obtaining a Yahoo account, nor for joining the MACV and CICV Groups. Membership requests are granted typically within 12 to 24 hours.


To join the MACV/DAO Group:

To join the CICV Group: 





Our MACV and CICV Groups facilitate communication among the special band of brothers — yes, and sisters, too — formerly from the ranks of the U.S. Armed Forces who worked at, with, or near MACV and CICV at any time during the Vietnam conflict. Through their steadfast brotherhood, many of us have kept in touch through several decades past. Please join us, contribute to the camaraderie, tell us YOUR stories, help find old friends, post and enjoy photos, and we'll all help one another to fill the gaps in our ever-aging memories.  We do have a lot of fun in the groups, so come join us. Thank you.